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Read online - International Series in Operations Research and Management Science Ser.: Operations Research in the Airline Industry 9 (2012, Paperback) PDF, MOBI, EPUB


260 2 Crew Legalities and Crew Pairing Repair 264 3 Model and Mathematical Formulation 266 4 Solution Methodology 271 5 Computational Experiences 277 6 Conclusion 285 REFERENCES 286 10 THE USE OF OPTIMIZATION TO PERFORM AIR TRAFFIC FLOW MANAGEMENT Kenneth Lindsay, E. Andrew Boyd, George Booth, and Charles Harvey 287 1 Introduction 288 2 The Traffic Flow Management (TFM) Problem 289 3 Recent TFM Optimization Models 292 4 The Time Assignment Model (TAM) 302 5 Summary and Conclusions 307 REFERENCES 309 11 THE PROCESSES OF AIRLINE SYSTEM OPERATIONS CONTROL Seth C. Grandeau, Michael D. Clarke, and Dennis F.X. Mathaisel 312 1 Introduction 313 2 The Four Phases of Airline Schedule Development 315 The Airline Operations Control Center (OCC) 3 320 4 Analysis of Operational Problems 331 5 Areas For Improvement 352 6 Case Study: PT Garuda Indonesia Airlines 357 REFERENCES 368 12 THE COMPLEX CONFIGURATION MODEL Bruce W.Patty and Jim Diamond 370 1 Introduction 370 Problem Description 2 371 Problem Formulation 3 375 4 Model Implementation 379 ix Contents 383 5 Summary REFERENCES 383 13 INTEGRATED AIRLINE SCHEDULE PLANNING Cynthia Barnhart, Fang Lu, and Rajesh Shenoi 384 1 Introduction 385 2 Fleet Assignment and Crew Pairing Problems: Existing M- els and Algorithms 388 3 An Integrated Approximate Fleet Assignment and Crew Pa- ing Model 393 4 An Advanced Integrated Solution Approach 395 5 Case Study 396 6 Conclusions and Future Research Directions 399 REFERENCES 401 14 AIRLINE SCHEDULE PERTURBATION PROBLEM: LANDING AND TAKEOFF WITH, The field of operations research has had a tremendous impact on the management of today's air transportation. Driven by enormous demand from management to gain a competitive advantage in the market, airlines are turning to advanced optimization techniques to develop mission-critical decision support systems for management and control of airline operations. The purpose of Operations Research in the Airlines Industry is to show some recent advances in optimization techniques and decision support systems applications in air transportation. It covers a wide variety of operations research topics in the air transportation industry including: Demand forecasting Network design Revenue management Route planning Airline schedule planning Irregular operations aircraft routing Integrated scheduling Real-time crew management Crew pairing optimization Air traffic flow management Crew rostering Airport traffic simulation and control Coping with the FAA's traffic control program.

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